
Perfikpro (1 Case – 9x 1 lb)

Original price was: $126.00.Current price is: $100.00.

1 case of 9 x 454g (1lb) tubs (containers) of
PerFikPro ( Hemp Hearts Protein Flakes )

Perfect protein for all your favorite creatures

HempHearts protein flakes with mist of maple syrup. 

Health Canada License 13-T0052-C-01,
No detectable THC at less than 1 ppm


SKU: ORHH-PERFIKPRO-9LB-1 Category: Tag:



Perfect protein for all your favorite creatures
( made of HempHearts protein flakes with mist of maple syrup. )

PerFikPro and mother’s milk each contain all 18 amino acids ( Real-Protein).

REAL-Protein is the most important part of every diet, easily supplied by PerFikPro.
“Critters” that eat sufficient REAL-Protein are healthy, satisfied and less aggressive.
PerFikPro, with more protein than 18 times its weight in milk, needs more calcium for bones and wings and teeth.

Dairy has 4 times more calcium than almonds, 8 times as much as kale ( dry weight). Any “critters” with constipation problems can use Hemp Hearts for gut lubrication.


Additional information

Weight 9 lbs